Train the Provider

Train the provider (abgeschlossen)

Train the Provider was an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Commission. It rans between 1 September 2017 and 31 August 2019 and brought together partners from Norway, Greece, Romania and Germany to address structural and operational differences in regard to staff training within the adult education sector. In an issue-based approach partners identified specific problems and topics from each organisation’s individual context and compared strategies in order to collectively work on solutions for common problems and extrapolate good practice examples. Partners gained new perspectives and to found useful hands-on solutions for problems commonly facing providers of adult education training through exchange across national borders. Ultimately, the project established the basis for a European canon of benchmarks that will allow for comparison beyond the original consortium. These benchmarks will help local agents working in staff training for the adult education sector develop more efficient and sustainable planning strategies.
Partners regularly involved external experts as well as target group representatives, who might profit from the results of the project and invited their input and feedback.
An overarching goal was the intensification of exchange between umbrella organisations in the adult education sector across the EU, and cooperation between the partners will run beyond the project lifetime.

Partners conducted the majority of work during five transnational meetings. The kick-off meeting took place in Hanover on 2/3 November 2017 and partners identified a number of issues which were central to the process of discussion and structural analysis. At the second meeting in Oslo on 5/6 March 2018 partners adopted a paper listing major challenges for staff training in adult education which served as the basis of further discussion. During the Athens meeting on 11/12 October 2018 partners began compiling a list of successful and/or centrally important formats, topics and target groups in staff training. The findings are published in a document detailing good practice and will serve as inspiration for other providers who can profit from the vast experience of the partnership as well as further experts in the field who were consulted along the way. During the meeting in Pitesti on 21/22 March 2019 partners discussed their best programmes and extrapolated success factors to help sharpen the focus in future programme development. The last meeting took place in Hanover on 27/28 June 2019 and partners finalised a number of benchmarks which serve them and other agents active in adult education staff training as a template to compare and contrast their own formats. The consortium also conducted a survey on the main challenges identified early in the project and published an article on the results, available at:


Train the Provider brings together partners from four European countries and different institutional frameworks for adult education.

Universitea din Pitesti, Romania

Folkeuniversitetet Øst, Norway

Hellenic Adult Education Association (HAEΑ), Greece

Glencross, Dr. Janou

0511 300330-333

Projektmanagement, Unternehmenskommunikation, Team Bildungsorganisation

Heesen, Dr. Eva C.

0511 300330-362

Sprachen, Kulturelle Bildung